Monday, February 15, 2010

Fast Food - Fast & Easy Kids' Garden to Combat Childhood Obesity

Michelle Obama has decided to tackle a problem that is obvious to anyone comparing the children of today to the children of just 20 years ago - obesity. She isn't saying anything that we don't already know, childhood obesity has gone from a small problem to a very BIG problem. Childhood diabetes is skyrocketing right next to the collective weight of our children.

The children are not at fault, the fact is that they are what they eat and what they eat is fat. It is not only that they are not interested in vegetables - they just don't know what the vegetables are anymore. I have developed a fast & easy 1 week "Kid's Garden" to get kids to relearn, relove and start eating their vegetables.

We should always remember,
When it comes to eating right and exercising,
there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease..
But today Goki Heals.

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